Ann Wilson, also known as The Wealth Chef, is a best-selling author, speaker, entrepreneur and financial empowerment activist. She grew up as one of six children, studied Civil Engineering, and worked all over the world on multimillion dollar projects before deciding to create her own wealth. She now spends her time doing the things she loves – walking her dogs, travelling, and teaching others how to live a financially free life.
As a self-made millionaire, Ann was not born into money. Instead she says ‘living a financially free life – where I can decide to work or not’ took her eight years. Sounds unbelievable right? Well, she’s here to share the recipe for success with you. The seed was planted when, at the age of 16, Ann’s father told her “You are the only person that can ever truly look after your financial well-being and your financial future. You can’t hope that a pension, a husband, a job or the government will ever do it for you.”
Ann grows her own wealth daily by following three core principles; spending less than she earns, always paying herself first, and consistently growing her wealth. Now, she loves nothing more than empowering others to take control of their own financial situations and learn to enjoy life and be financially free.
A captivating and inspiring speaker, Ann regularly addresses organisations about personal money leadership and creating wealth. She has been featured in The Sunday Times, The Sunday Express, Psychologies, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, The Huffington Post, CNBC, among others.
If you want to learn how to have financial freedom in your life, come and meet Ann Wilson at 10.30am on Saturday 5 November and at 12:00 on Sunday 6 November at at the Working Mothers Expo. This is a talk that could change your life – don’t miss it!
The Working Mothers Expo, brought to you in partnership with MiWayLife, brings together everything working mothers need under one roof. 4-6 November 2016. Sandton Convention Centre. Meet our MCs, Elana Afrika and Claire Mawisa, at the Speakers Corner.
If you would like to inquire about sponsoring or exhibiting at the event, please email us and we will send you all the details you need.
Tickets available at Computicket